OK guys. So I'm finally back in action. Temporarily. Again. Anywho, here are some rough sketches trying to analyze what would look best for on screen play. So far, I broke it down into these sections as a possible idea of information we would want on the screen while playing the game:
- Placement (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
- Lap (1/3, 2/3, whatever)
- Health Bar + lives left
- Time (unsure whether should be time left or time on track)
- Pictures of other players and their placement so you can see who's ahead or behind you (I saw it in some other games and thought it looked cool and added to the fun).
- ? Weapon? Wasn't sure about this one, but should we show the players secret weapon on screen also?
I uploaded some sketches so you guys could get an idea. Tell me which layout you like best and what possible fixes I can make. They are really rough and a bit hard to see, but I think they give the overall idea. I play very few games, so any helpful ideas would be awesome!